The competition for attention and acquiring more customers is intense. So, you need
to adopt different marketing tactics, including email marketing, to help you beat the
competition. We will explore the top email marketing best practices you can start using today
to maximize your return on investments (ROIs).
But you may wonder, why should you care about email marketing? Is email marketing still
relevant to your business? Let us first address that.
Importance of Email Marketing Strategy for Your Business
Incorporating an email marketing strategy into your marketing mix is vital because it provides
optimal ROI. Also, emails in your digital marketing toolbox will help you reach a broader
target audience who is ready to buy your offer. As a result, you will drive more web traffic,
boosts sales, and increases your income.
Here are a few benefits of a well-planned email campaign:
➢ Provides better brand recognition
➢ Build your online business reputation
➢ Develop long-term brand/customer relationships
➢ Reach a broader target market through mobile marketing
➢ Drive more web traffic
➢ Increase conversions
➢ Boost sales and revenue
❖ Grow Your Email List
An email list is a library of email addresses collected overtime through your blog or website,
and other marketing channels. These email addresses represent people who willingly
subscribed to your mailing list to receive promotional emails, newsletters, and other related
marketing messages.
So, to make gains with email marketing, you need to grow your list or email subscribers. You
need to expand your list to enable you to build trust with a massive audience and make
money off it.
That said, use the best email marketing tools to grow your email list quickly. Some of the
best emails software are:
➢ ConvertKit
➢ ThriveLeads
➢ Mailerlite
➢ MailChimp
➢ OptinMonster
Use your preferred email software to create a landing page that will help you grow your list
❖ Optimize Your Emails for Mobile Devices
Why should you optimize your email campaigns for mobile? Because consumers are always
using their mobile devices. However, mobile marketing is so effective because it lets you
obtain valuable user data for marketing purposes.
The information you collect allows you to target buyers effectively based on geolocation, age,
interests, and other useful marketing metrics. These system indicators will help you to reach
your marketing persona with targeted, customized messages.
Indeed, the study shows that the average internet user spends up to 5.4 hours daily on their
mobile phone devices. Of this number, 66% examine their smartphone a 160x daily. So, it is
no wonder that 70% of consumers use mobile devices to find relevant reviews when in retail
For this reason, mobile emails record 46% of all open emails. Although there might be
conflicting numbers, depending on the research analysis, the ideas remain the same. We also
listed the best email marketing tools, these tools can help you to find the best solutions for
your newsletters.
❖ Keeping your content brief.
Once you obtain detailed insights about your target audiences, you might be tempted to
showcase your company’s offerings as much as possible. You’ll naturally want to create
marketing emails with a huge list of offers, information and advice.
But while the intent behind this is commendable, it’s not a good practice to do anything other
than keep the content of your emails brief and to the point. It’s critical to find a balance
between offering tons of value, and not offering so much that you send an overwhelmingly
long email. No one wants to spend time reading an email and searching for the value; the
value should instead be offered to the customer in an upfront and straightforward way.
All other explanations, including additional helpful offers, can wait. Brief content is
readable content and valuable content means nothing if you can’t get your
customers to read it.
❖ Create Click-Worthy Content
Email marketing without compelling content won’t get you anywhere. People only subscribed
to your list to receive value from you, of which helpful content is the target. It helps increase
email opens.
Every subscriber is looking for a solution to a problem, so be the solution by providing useful
content via emails. When you give your subscribers what they need to make their lives better,
you become their go-to for information.
As a result, they will always open your emails and click your links to read your blog content.
That is why you should consistently create click-worthy content. In this way, you will be able
to nurture prospects to qualify as leads.
By walking them through the sales funnel, you move them to become paying customers.
Note, producing click-worthy content materials will help you to build trust with your tribe. So,
ensure that both your email preheader, subject lines, and introduction are compelling enough
to make recipients click.
For this, your email header, subject line, and introduction should comply with the dos and
don’ts of a controversial article. This approach will help you trigger consumers’ curiosity and
entice them to click.
❖ Add a Sustainable Sales Funnel into Your Email Marketing Strategy
Using email marketing sales funnel for your startups is a fantastic way to move subscribers
from one stage to the other. It enables you to carry potential buyers through the purchasing
funnel and qualify them as leads and paying customers.
In other words, a sales funnel, also called a revenue funnel or purchase funnel, is the buying
process that helps you guide consumers on the journey towards your conversion objections.
So, a well-defined funnel explains the conceptual consumer journey and gives you insights
into the challenges and buying behaviour of your target buyer. Nevertheless, you can stimulate
sales with an email marketing strategy in several ways, such as with promotional email
You can use email newsletters to different marketing messages, including:
➢ Informational content pieces
➢ Special offers
➢ Coupon codes
➢ Testimonial
❖ Test out sending emails on the weekend.
If you’re like most business owners, you likely send out your email newsletters and
promotional content during peak business hours: on weekdays sometime between the hours
of 9 am and 5 pm.
However, according to the Salesforce report, marketers should consider sending out emails
on weekends when inboxes are emptier, and subscribers may have more time to read nonessential emails: “Recognize that your work schedule won’t always coincide with your
subscribers’ email-reading habits. Explore sending campaigns over the weekend, when
subscribers may have more leisure time to peruse their personal email accounts and nonurgent messages.”
While no one can guarantee your open rates or click-throughs will be higher, in certain
industries and niches, weekend emails may be just what’s needed to gain a competitive edge.

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