How do I check my Support ticket history?
Even if you don’t have a Wehostafrica Account or a Support Account with us, you can still submit a ticket to get your questions answered. You’ll simply provide an email address, and we’ll send you an email with your ticket details and a temporary password to your Support Account.
If you want to sign up for a wehostafrica account, click HERE
To review your ticket history:
1. Go to
2. Click on the CONTACT US button and select Submit Ticket:
3. You can use either your wehostafrica Account use the email address you gave us when submitting the ticket in the ‘Your Username’ field, and the temporary password we sent you via email:
4. Once logged in, click on View Tickets:
5. Scroll to the ticket you’re interested in and click on the subject line to open it. You can also continue the conversation by clicking Add Reply:
6. You can also find specific tickets by doing a keyword or ID search: