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Privacy Policy

Terms and Policies

  • Privacy Commitment: This notice is done with the intention to prove our legal commitment to reserve and preserve your data / information, and also explicitly describe how it is used or displayed in this website. this is done primary ,for the purpose of trust and in compliance with the privacy law.

  • Information we collect and how we use it: This refers to data/ information gathered and submitted on the wehostafrica website. These information are collected from your interaction with our network which sometimes we use to communicate with you and provide you with support for our services which sometimes are used to communicate with you, e.g. G mail address, Name, Address, Phone number, Fax number, IP Address etc.
    The above information are as a matter of fact legally and contractually required for the use of the services we offer. We are as well required by law to collect and retain such information and also verify its accuracy for the smooth running of our services to you.
    How we use the Information :
    The information you provide are used To communicate with you (our Client) which on legal sense we may be required to send you information on any of your requests and as well inform you or rather update you on any changes with regards to our services. These information can be used also to contact you when necessary, share details about our services with you etc.

  • Information Disclosure: We do not disclose, share or reveal these information to a third party or an outsider without your outright approval/permission. It is rightly said that 'every rule has an exception' the only exception in the context is where such information is required by law to be disclosed e.g. Court orders, Subpoena and UDRPLURS process.

  • Children's Privacy Policy: it is of essence to protect the interest of children in terms of their privacy therefore our website was designed in such a way that it does not maintain or collect information from those that are under aged except with parental consent.

  • Tracking and Cookies: We use cookies to remember your safe search preferences, to count how many visitors we have on our page, to help you sign up for our services or to customize out website to your needs, to protect your data, to enable advertisement delivery and so on. It is used for overall functionality of our website. We also use tracking and analytic services on few parts of our website. Please note that cookies do not allow us to gain control of your computer rather they are used strictly to monitor which pages you find useful and which you do not so that we can provide services that suits you better.

  • Alteration/Erasure of Personal Information: Generally you can access all information collected by us in our homepage In a situation where you may decide to correct or delete some of these personal information, because such information are safeguarded you can correct factual error by sending us a request that credibly shows the error and we for security reasons will take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting your requests to make corrections.

  • Data Security: We have security measures in place to protect your information in cases of loss, alterations and misuse. SSL security is used to encrypt any transmissions when you provide your personal data. Kindly note that no method of electronic transmission on the internet is 100 percent secure, that is it’s security cannot be guaranteed absolutely.

  • How we share this information: WehostAfrica shares information within its related brand and companies, we share your data for the purpose described in this privacy policy which also includes providing the services you ordered for. We do not share information which individually identifies our clients with companies, organizations etc. except with your consent. we may as well disclose information to investigate, prevent or take action in connection with legal process, enforcement of our universal terms of service, protecting rights and properties of wehostafrica and so on.

  • Changes to this Policy: This privacy policy may be updated from time to time. Such modification won't be done without an appropriate notice to you.

  • Question: Any question, complaint, or suggestion from you can be done by using our contact form or you can send us Email at

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